Burgos: Congresso da UISPP

A directora do MAEDS, Profª Doutora Joaquina Soares, coordenará duas sessões sobre complexidade social no próximo congresso da UISPP, que decorrerá em Burgos, de 1 a 7 de Setembro do corrente ano. Aqui fica informação para o caso de decidir participar (poderá ainda inscrever-se e enviar resumo, em inglês; prevê-se edição, provavelmente nos BAR):

B27 - Social complexity in a long term perspective

The purpose of this session is to actualize the debate about social complexity mainly on the field of prehistoric societies, as well as on a broad scope of the pre-industrial social formations.
So the ethnographic record can shed light on the archaeological domain. Case studies and theoretical presentations are welcome to articulate regional processes of political and economical transformations seen from the archaeological record to more general trends of cultural change, with anthropological components. Researchers from different continents would enrich the discussion with contributions from a huge variety of socio-political contexts:
From the origins of inequalities inside the Neolithic family nucleus, where the studies of the gender labour division are still not entirely explored, to the development of social stratification, which involved the rise of the state. Discourses of power and its mechanisms of legitimation, like those displayed by the European Late Bronze Age societies are central issues to be addressed in order to explain social organization and the increase of social complexity. Another important theme that could engage an interesting discussion would be the revaluation of the Iberian Copper Age.
Finally, this session is proposed to develop specific analyses about the role played by local salt exploitation, textile work, metallurgy and long distant interactions as key-factors of social complexity.

B28 - Social complexity in the third millennium BC in Southern Portugal

The author proposes a complex tribal organization model for communities that inherited their social kinship structure from the megalithic societies, at the first half of the III millennium BC, in Southern Portugal. This social and economical model began to collapse in the second half of the same millennium, as a result of the development of the arsenical copper metallurgy (copper-arsenic alloys) and craft specialisation.
The control of metallurgy made it possible for the elites to legitimate the accumulation of the political power, and gave them a coercive capacity to impose an unequal and very hierarchical social structure based on chiefdom.
This theoretical construction has been tested in the analysis of the settlement system at Triângulo da Luz (in the middle Guadiana valley), during the III millennium BC. The stratified social organization seems to be preceded by the chiefdom that raise in the second half of the III millennium BC and developed in the Bronze Age.
By the end of this period the chiefdom society reached it’s most complex structure. In opposition with other authors, that defend the emergence of the state in the III millennium BC with a centre based in the lower Guadalquivir region, this paper proposes that the state took place in the South of the Iberian Peninsula only at early Iron Age, in the context of the orientalising process.

(Joaquina Soares cea.maeds@mail.telepac.pt)

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